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Rooting hydrangea cuttings

by sator4u_team @1 ม.ค. 57 14:08 ( IP : 180...48 ) | Tags : Do it Yourself+++
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Hydrangeas respond well to several propagation techniques, including layering and dividing. But rooting softwood cuttings in summer will yield a bunch of new plants in about four weeks.

How To :

locate a stem of softwood between the hard, woody growth at the bottom of the plant and the fleshy green tip by bending it; softwood should snap cleanly.

Cut a softwood shoot that has several leaves. Trim it into 5-inch-long pieces that each have a leaf toward the top.

Remove extra leaves; then cuts the remaining leaf in half to minimize evaporation (and the need for watering).

Dip the other end in powdered rooting hormone; plant the cuttings in trays filled with a soilless mix and perlite.

Cover with a plastic bag, and stash in a shady location, misting regularly to keep the leaf hydrated.

After four weeks, tug on it to check for roots; once roots are developed, transplant to a bigger pot and feed with a slow-release fertilizer. By next spring, cuttings will be ready to go in the ground.

See more at // gardeningworld.org

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