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by sator4u_team @19 ธ.ค. 56 15:58 ( IP : 180...135 ) | Tags : Do it Yourself+++
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How to Grow Tulips in a Pot

How to Grow Tulips in a Pot: Buy tulip bulbs and good quality potting soil mix. Purchase tulip bulbs in the fall, no less than 6 weeks before the first frost. Choose a high container in which to plant the tulip bulbs. Use large, bright colored pots made of natural materials like terracotta. Plant your tulip bulbs in the container from September to October. Plant numerous bulbs depending on the size of the pot. You can plant 4 bulbs in a 6-inch pot and up to 15 bulbs in a 25-inch pot. Make sure there's about one-half inch of soil below the bulb and about an inch of soil covering the top of the bulb. Place the planted bulbs outdoors in a cool shady spot outdoors. Keep containers adequately watered especially for the first few weeks to avoid stunted and shriveled flowers. Regularly water the plants because the pots do not maintain moisture as well as ground soil. Fertilize and feed the plant after it begins to flower. After flowering, remove any dead flowers and allow the leaves to die and fall off the plant.

See more at: http://www.gardeningworld.org/2013/12/how-to-grow-tulips-in-pot.html#sthash.MusMRhLt.dpuf

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