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by sator4u_team @15 ธ.ค. 56 16:45 ( IP : 180...226 ) | Tags : Do it Yourself+++
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How to Grow Runner Beans

Climbing French and runner beans are among the most productive vegetable plants in the garden, They are easy to care for once planted out and established, but the key to success is to nourish the soil well before planting time. First  sow Seeds in Pots: French and runner beans are sensitive to frost, so sow them inside. Dig out a trench to at least one shovel's depth and fill the base with a deep layer of compost. This will give your beans the energy they need.. Then, use long garden stakes to create a sturdy climbing frame to support them all summer. Plant one seedling at the base of each stake and tie the stem to it, until it takes hold by itself.

  • See more at: http://www.gardeningworld.org/2013/12/how-to-grow-runner-beans.html#sthash.We4qYkEY.dpuf

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